When Should You Call Us for Emergency HVAC Services? - Heating Specialties

When Should You Call Us for Emergency HVAC Services?

Every homeowner has been in a situation requiring some type of service or maintenance to their HVAC system. Keeping a home comfortable in the rising and falling temperatures of New Jersey summers and winters makes having a reliable company even more valuable. How can you tell whether you need the help of a technician during business hours, or if something signifies as an emergency?

At Heating Specialties, our professionals are here to serve you no matter what you need. We offer seasonal maintenance such as HVAC tune-ups. When a customer has an HVAC emergency, it means that the repair cannot wait until our business hours or until an appointment becomes available.

Some indications of an emergency include:

Burning smell. The smell of something burning indicates a serious electrical error. If you can trace a burning smell back to your HVAC unit, then turn off the power immediately and call Heating Specialties for emergency service.

Leaking. Leaking is another sign indicating something is seriously wrong with your unit.

Excessive sounds. Loud screeching sounds as well as popping or buzzing could indicate a problem with the pressure, belt, or electrical system. This is another case where you need to notify a professional immediately.

Extreme temperatures. If your HVAC unit is malfunctioning during a milder stretch of weather, you may be able to wait for a servicing appointment. However, if temperatures are extremely hot or cold and you rely on your system to create safe conditions inside of your home, this can constitute an emergency.

If you ever feel unsure about whether something is an emergency or not, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Heating Specialties directly at (866) 923-2653. We are here to guarantee your safety and satisfaction. If you do need the help of our experts, you can take advantage of our star-spangled savings by visiting our offers page to find some great summer deals!

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