Safety Tips for Supplemental Heating Sources - Heating Specialties

Safety Tips for Supplemental Heating Sources

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Serving the South Jersey area, we know just how cold it can get here. Winter is the time for building resilience and staying warm. How can your loved ones stay warm if your furnace is struggling to keep up with the cold? That’s where supplemental heating sources come in.

Space heaters, electric blankets, and fireplaces are all great sources that will maintain the warmth while saving on heating bills. When not used or cared for properly, however, the additional help can become fire hazards. Stay cozy and peaceful this winter with these safety tips:

Clear space

When the temperature drops, it can be tempting to snuggle up next to the fireplace or space heater. However, much of what we use and wear is flammable. Items such as clothing, blankets, pillows, and draperies can easily catch fire. A good rule of thumb is to have a clearance of three feet from anything that can burn; this is especially applicable for space heaters.

Turn off when not in use

Always turn your electric blanket off when not using it. If left on for a long time, electric blankets can overheat and become a fire hazard. Many of the newer electric blankets have automatic shut-off switches now; exercise caution regardless. This goes for space heaters and fireplaces as well. Avoid leaving these supplemental heating sources on and unattended.

Plug directly into wall outlets

Some sources, such as space heaters, use a lot of voltage to run. When these appliances are plugged into power strips, the high voltage can melt the strip or trip the breaker. When in doubt, plug directly into your wall outlets!

As the low temperatures continue throughout South Jersey, keep your loved ones cozy by implementing these supplemental heating source safety tips. Although these appliances provide an extra boost of warmth, it’s always good to make sure your furnace is running smoothly. Get in touch with Heating Specialties today by calling (866) 923-2653 and save on a furnace tune-up!

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