Ways to Stay Cool Without Adjusting Your Thermostat - Heating Specialties

Ways to Stay Cool Without Adjusting Your Thermostat

Ways to Stay Cool Without Adjusting Your Thermostat

The weather professionals are predicting a hotter-than-normal summer for the East Coast this season. That means you may be spending more money to keep your South Jersey home comfortable. Before you touch that AC dial, consider these cool money-saving solutions from Heating Specialties.

Make sure your AC is operating at its peak efficiency

The first step to home comfort in any weather is to ensure your system is regularly inspected, cleaned, and maintained. A professional AC tune-up is essential. During this annual visit, our Heating Specialties technicians will thoroughly service your unit. We’ll clean the condenser coils, check the coolant level, tighten any loose connections, and make any necessary adjustments or repairs. We’ll also calibrate your thermostat to make sure it’s operating properly and hitting the desired temperature for you.

Consider a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats are getting better every year. While your old manual thermostat may have you running to make an adjustment as the daytime air gets warmer, a programmable thermostat can reward you with precision cooling. Many smart thermostats come with digital sensors that read the room and keep your home within 1 degree of the setting. They also can be programmed to push temps up when the house is empty, bringing the air back to comfortable coolness when the family is back home.

Give your ceiling fan a spin

Cool fact: A fan doesn’t make the air cooler. But it can make you feel cooler as it moves hot air away from our skin and evaporates some of the perspiration that adds to the discomfort. Make sure your fan is spinning in a counterclockwise direction, to create a downdraft and aim the cooling air at your home’s inhabitants. Ceiling fans can also add a bit of style to your home, with the many fun and inspiring designs. They use about as much electricity as a 100-watt bulb, so they’re a frugal option in the summer.

Stay out of the sun

You can’t help it if your home’s windows face west and lets the evening sun create a furnace in your family room. But you can invest in good window treatments or shades to block those afternoon rays.

Be cooler with LED lights

LED lightbulbs tend to use less energy and generate less heat than their standard counterparts. This may not be a big deal if we’re talking about one lamp in your living room. But the heat from several lights can make your room temperature rise.


May is National Barbecue Month, in case you need a reason to throw some steaks on the grill. Outdoor cooking also keeps the heat outside, instead of in the kitchen where you’re struggling to stay cool. Or, skip the cooking completely and serve sandwiches and cool summer salads!

Open your doors

No, we’re not talking about your front door. Keep outside doors closed, and make sure the weather seal is in good shape so you’re not paying money to cool the outdoors. But your home’s interior doors should stay open whenever possible. Your AC unit was designed to circulate the cooler air throughout your entire home. You may assume you’re saving money when you shut a door or close a vent, but that solution may put unnecessary pressure on your system, which can lead to problems like increased air pressure or leaky air ducts.

Check your wardrobe

Linen and cotton are your best bets for staying cool. Keep it loose with flowy, comfortable outfits. Dressing in layers can come in handy if you’re one of those folks who tend to feel cold even in warm weather. Your warm-blooded friends and family members will appreciate your consideration.

If you’re struggling to stay cool in your South Jersey home this summer, Heating Specialties can help! Schedule an annual tune-up or service call with Heating Specialties at (866) 923-2653 or reach out online. Soaring summer heat doesn’t have to lead to rising energy bills. Before you push your AC settings down, look up at some of these low-cost ideas for staying cool!

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