Ensure Your Family’s Indoor Comfort with an Indoor Tune-Up - Heating Specialties

Ensure Your Family’s Indoor Comfort with an Indoor Tune-Up


As the days grow longer and warmer, you’re going to crave something cool. Your AC is ready to do the job for you, but it needs a little help to ensure your family’s comfort throughout the South Jersey summer months. A spring tune-up can mean the difference between steady AC and stuffy nights when something goes wrong. Here’s why Heating Specialties of South Jersey, recommends an annual AC tune-up:

Regular tune-ups offer better energy efficiency

A simple AC tune-up is your best defense against higher energy bills, repairs, and replacements. Yes, the regular tune-up will cost you money, but you’re paying pennies when you compare it to a replacement cost of several thousand dollars. A regular tune-up can extend your system’s longevity and keep your energy bills manageable. That’s because a cleaner, more efficient AC unit requires less energy to do its job.

Your Heating Specialties technician takes care of the dirty work

When was the last time you cleaned your AC unit? Did you remember to inspect and clean the blades, cooling coils and other essential equipment? Let’s face it. AC maintenance isn’t a DIY job. It requires specialized training to inspect and clean the equipment. Your Heating Specialties technician is skilled at pinpointing loose connections, frayed wires, and other problems. Keep your hands clean and leave this maintenance task to the experts!

You may notice better air quality

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: the air inside your home may be more polluted than the outside air. A clean AC unit is the first step to cutting down on the dirt and debris particles that are trying to get inside your home. During an annual tune-up, your technician will check the air filter, which tries to catch many of these offenders before they break into your home. A dirty air filter makes it harder for your system to pull in air, which means you’re potentially straining the equipment and risking a breakdown. Some of our clients like to go the extra mile and add an air cleaner or air purifier to their homes. Your Heating Specialties technician can discuss the advantages of these systems if you’re interested.

A tune-up can tackle summer humidity

Your AC has a cool advantage during the summer months. As your AC system blows the warm air over its cool evaporator coil, it is also removing moisture from the air and sending it back outside your home. Drier air means comfortable air, but it also has specific advantages for your family’s comfort. Your home will be less prone to mold, mildew, and that musty smell you may notice during the summer.

A tune-up today can keep the repairman away

Your AC unit is a complex and amazing piece of machinery. With so many moving parts, it needs regular inspection and care to keep doing its job. This yearly tune-up gives our professionals a chance to replace damaged or worn-out parts before they lead to an expensive breakdown.

Your family’s comfort this summer is our top priority. If you haven’t already scheduled your AC tune-up, call Heating Specialties now at (866) 923-2653 or use our convenient online form. Keep your home cool and your family comfortable with AC maintenance from Heating Specialties!

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