Your End-of-Summer Home Maintenance Checklist - Heating Specialties South Jersey

Your End-of-Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

Home maintenance checklist

As summer comes to a close, it’s important to prepare your home for the cooler seasons ahead. By executing an end-of-summer home maintenance plan, you can save on costly repairs and energy bills. Not sure where to start? You’re in luck! Our Heating Specialties team has created this helpful end-of-summer checklist for your home and HVAC system.

Change your air filter

If you’ve not yet changed your air filter this summer, chances are it’s pretty grimy. A clean air filter is essential for protecting the inside of your A/C unit from dirt and dust that can block proper airflow. We recommend changing your filter every 30 to 60 days. This will help prevent clogs in your HVAC unit, thus improving air quality within your home and extending the life of your system.

Clean around your outdoor unit

Your A/C unit is made up of two main parts, an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. Have you checked your outside unit lately? Identify and remove any blockage such as dirt, grass, or leaves. Trim away trees or bushes that may obstruct airflow or impede performance. Any such debris can interfere with your unit’s working parts. For your safety, be sure to turn off your HVAC system before inspecting it. Of course, for thorough cleaning of the unit, it’s always best to call upon the help of a professional.

Check electrical connections

As you’re inspecting your home, be sure to look at your HVAC system’s electrical connections. Is the thermostat responding the way it should? Do the wires around your indoor and outdoor unit show any signs of rust or damage?

Allowing any electrical problems to go unresolved can result in costly repairs or replacement of your system down the road. Most importantly, faulty wiring can be a fire hazard, risking the safety of your family and home. Don’t wait! Have a professional address any potential concerns as soon as possible!

Schedule a tune-up

There’s nothing worse than discovering a problem with your furnace during the first cold snap of the year. Before winter blows in, check that your furnace is working effectively and efficiently. Identifying any problems sooner rather than later can save you money on emergency repairs and prevent the discomfort of waiting until help arrives. Checking this item off your to-do list before the holidays will save you a lot of time and stress.

Ensuring that your home is prepared for the cooler months is of the utmost importance. Follow our checklist, and you’ll be all set. At Heating Specialties, we have a long history of providing quality and trustworthy service. Call us at (866) 923-2653 or contact us online to schedule an end-of-summer maintenance appointment today!

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