Getting  Your Home Ready for Your Summer Vacation - Heating Specialties

Getting  Your Home Ready for Your Summer Vacation

Do you have any exciting vacation plans? While you’re focusing on what to pack and whether you need 12 outfits or 20, don’t forget to make plans for your South Jersey home. Heating Specialties of South Jersey has essential tips to ready your home and your heating and cooling system for your summer break.

Unplug your appliances

Your small appliances are drawing energy even when you’re not using them. Save a little money and unplug things like the toaster, coffeemaker, televisions, and computers. But don’t go overboard. Make sure you keep the heating and cooling system plugged in. You don’t want to return to a muggy, moldy mess.

Set your thermostat

Your AC does more than keep your home cool. It also keeps your home dry, as it removes moisture while it’s cooling the air. Sure, you don’t need to keep the temperature setting at its usual levels.  Go ahead and adjust the temperature up about 5 degrees before you leave. Remember, if you let your home get too hot during the muggy South Jersey summer, you also risk damaging your wood flooring and furniture.

Get a vacation tune-up

If you skipped your spring AC tune-up, now is the time to call Heating Specialties. An AC tune-up offers peace of mind, especially when you’re preparing to leave town for a week or so. Let the Heating Specialties technicians give your system a once-over, checking your ducts and refrigerant lines and conducting any necessary repairs. Our technicians tighten any loose connections and give the system a thorough cleaning, potentially pinpointing any small problems that need to be addressed before they become big and expensive.

Check your vents

Vacation prep can be stressful, and it’s tempting to leave things where they fall as you’re gathering everything you absolutely need for your trip. But a blocked vent can lead to inefficient air flow, which may force your system to work harder. Remember to leave all your interior doors open – your home was designed to efficiently move air through the different rooms, and a closed door can interfere with the task.

Eliminate signs of a vacant home

Set your interior lights on a schedule so it looks like someone is around in the evening. Cancel the newspaper delivery and ask a friend or neighbor to grab your mail and any boxes that may be left on your front doorstep. Go ahead and close the blinds as well, to keep sunlight from heating up your home during the day.

Enjoy your summer holidays without worrying about what you’ll find when you return home. If you’ve skipped that important spring AC tune-up, it’s not too late. Call Heating Specialties now at (866) 923-2653 or reach out online. Have a great vacation!

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