Five Ways to Fight Inflation - Heating Specialties - South Jersey HVAC

Five Ways to Fight Inflation

fight inflation

Inflation is high, and your hard-earned dollars aren’t stretching as far as they used to. According to Energy Star, heating and cooling costs can account for roughly 43% of your home’s energy bill. Making a few adjustments around your house can help you save money on your energy bills. Use these five timely tips from Heating Specialties to trim costs for your South Jersey home.

Adjust your thermostat

Yes, that blast of cool air feels lovely when you come inside after doing yard work all afternoon. Think about it: why would you pay to cool an empty home? But the Department of Energy points out that you can save 10% a year on your energy bill simply by turning back your thermostat by 7°-10°F for eight hours daily. A programmable thermostat allows you to schedule these warmer times when your family is at work or school.

Use ceiling fans

Fans can reduce both heating and cooling costs. During the summer months, make sure your ceiling fans are running in a counterclockwise motion. Even if this only allows you to make minor adjustments to your thermostat, the energy savings can still be significant.

Keep doors and windows closed and sealed

Take a walk around your home and fix any cracks with weather stripping or caulking. Even a tiny crack can allow hot air to seep into your home, forcing your home’s A/C to work harder to keep you comfortable. If the sun is beating down on your roof, consider attic insulation to create a barrier between the hot rays and your cool home.

Upgrade outdated equipment

HVAC units have a finite lifespan. As they age, they may not be as efficient as they used to be. You may miss out on vital cost savings while trying to milk a few more years out of an old unit. Heating and cooling technology continues to evolve as well. Heating Specialties can help determine if your HVAC unit is out-of-shape or out-of-date. We also have several different heating and cooling system options to meet your budget.

Invest in maintenance

Are you one of those people who never purchases the extended warranty and believes a maintenance plan is an unnecessary expense? You may be costing yourself extra money in repair bills and reducing your unit’s lifespan. Regular maintenance tune-ups at the beginning of spring and fall give technicians a chance to pinpoint problems before they start. They also can give your unit a thorough cleaning to ensure the moving parts are working efficiently.

At Heating Specialties, we understand the value of a dollar. If you’re concerned about your energy bills, call us at (866) 923-2653 or reach out online to schedule a tune-up. We pride ourselves on being transparent and honest regarding your heating and cooling needs. Let Heating Specialties be your cost-saving partner during these challenging economic times.

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