Top 5 Signs Your Furnace Needs a Tune-Up Before Winter - Heating Specialties

Top 5 Signs Your Furnace Needs a Tune-Up Before Winter

The days are becoming shorter. There’s an occasional chill in the air in the morning. School buses are picking up local children. Fall is almost here, and that means it’s time for a furnace tune-up from Heating Specialties of South Jersey. Watch out for additional signs that it’s time to schedule your furnace tune-up before winter takes over:

Your furnace isn’t heating your home evenly

When it’s time to turn on the heat, you want a furnace that sends cozy warmth to every corner of your home. Uneven heating or cooling can be caused by one or more issues, including a dirty furnace filter, leaky air ducts, or even a vent that was closed by accident. If your home doesn’t feel comfortable all over, it’s time to call in the Heating Specialties professionals. Our trained technicians can inspect your furnace and vent system to diagnose the problem. It’s your home—you deserve to enjoy every inch of it!

You’re concerned about energy costs

Did you notice your energy bills spiking this summer? What about last winter, when the heat was on? In today’s economy, everyone is looking for ways to make their hard-earned dollars last longer. If your furnace isn’t operating efficiently, it may be forced to work harder to keep your family warm this winter. Something as simple as a clogged filter can put extra stress on your heating and cooling system, resulting in a higher utility bill. A timely tune-up can pinpoint the problem before your energy bill has you hiding underneath the covers.

Something stinks!

You may have noticed a burning smell the first time you turned on your furnace this fall. That’s not unusual. Your system’s been hanging out in the background over the past few months, letting dust settle on your heat exchanger, ignition system, and ductwork. This can cause a burning smell that dissipates quickly after you turn on the furnace for the first time. But if the foul smell sticks around, that’s a sign that something else may be amiss. You may simply have a case of dirty vents. But you also could be facing a rodent infestation or a potentially dangerous situation like burning wires or a gas leak. Don’t ignore this red flag. Call on Heating Specialties to identify and treat the culprit.

You’re hearing funny noises

You probably know what your furnace sounds like when it’s running. You might hear the blower turn off and on with the heating cycle. After a while, it can become part of your home’s background noise. But other noises can indicate that your furnace is calling out for help. If you hear unusual sounds like hissing, grating, clanging, or grinding, your furnace may need professional intervention.

It’s been more than a year since your last furnace tune-up

When was the last time your furnace was thoroughly inspected and cleaned? If it’s been more than a year, then you’re overdue for this important preventative maintenance task. Regular maintenance keeps your unit running efficiently and can cut down on pricey repairs. These important tune-ups can also add years to your unit’s lifespan, which makes a big difference in your budget. Should you schedule your furnace tune-up with Heating Specialties? All signs point to yes! Give your furnace the care it deserves, and it will repay you with warm gratitude. Schedule your furnace tune-up now with Heating Specialties by calling us at (866) 923-2653 or reaching out online to schedule an appointment.  Fall is almost here, and winter isn’t far behind. Keep warm with Heating Specialties!

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