6 Common Heating System Issues in February and How to Fix Them - Heating Specialties

6 Common Heating System Issues in February and How to Fix Them

6 issues with a furnace in February

Spring may be around the corner, but winter’s not done with South Jersey yet. Can your furnace, heat pump, or boiler reach the cold-weather finish line? Luckily, Heating Specialties of South Jersey, is always here for our customers, ready to walk you through common February heating issues and their fixes. Check out a few of the more common heating system issues below and learn when it’s time to call a certified HVAC technician from Heating Specialties.

Winter heating system issues

Did you wake up to a cold home? Are there hot and cold spots in your South Jersey home? Or do you notice higher energy bills or even a burning smell coming from your heating unit? Read on to learn how to identify heating issues and bring your home back to comfortable warmth this February.

1. Your home is cold. You woke up this morning and noticed that it was harder to get out from under the covers. A quick glance at the thermostat tells you that something’s not right with your heating system, and your family is telling you to do something now. Here are a few reasons why you might not be feeling the heat:

  • Your vents are blocked. Furniture or other obstructions can keep the warm air from circulating around your home.
  • There’s no power going to the heating system. Check your breaker switch to make sure it wasn’t tripped overnight.
  • Someone adjusted the thermostat temperature. Sometimes you can inadvertently lower or turn off the thermostat and cause an indoor cold snap. Fortunately, this is an easy fix.
  • You have a dirty air filter. Air filters can become clogged with dust and debris, cutting down on your unit’s efficiency. Replace it with a new filter, and your HVAC system will thank you.

If these quick fixes don’t bring back the heat, you may be dealing with damaged equipment. Call Heating Specialties now so our trained technicians can take a look.

2. Your HVAC unit is making noise. A quiet humming noise is normal, but if you’re hearing banging, popping or other strange noises, your HVAC unit is trying to talk to you. It’s not easy to diagnose the problem on your own, especially if you’re dealing with loose screws or bolts, worn belts, dirty blowers, or a failing motor. Let the professionals diagnose this problem.

3. You’re low on fuel. That January polar air forced your oil furnace or boiler to work overtime. If your tank runs out of fuel, you’re going to run out of heat. At Heating Specialties, we recommend keeping your tank above the halfway mark during the winter, to make sure there are no frigid surprises.

4. Your home’s carbon monoxide detectors are chirping. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning fuel. Over time, it can build up in your home and potentially poison you and your family. When your furnace is working correctly, it releases carbon monoxide outside via your furnace flue. But certain problems, like a cracked heat exchanger, can create a carbon monoxide hazard. If your carbon monoxide detector goes off, evacuate the home, and call 911 immediately. If you’re noticing other signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, like headaches, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, or confusion, call Heating Specialties so we can perform an air quality test.

5. You’re warm – but the dry air is making you uncomfortable. You shouldn’t have to trade comfort for heat in February. Winter’s dry air can cause respiratory discomfort or illness. It may affect your wood floors, paint, and plaster. Talk to Heating Specialties about adding a whole-house humidifier to keep your family comfortable.

6. You notice your furnace turning on and off more often than usual. Heat cycling is a phenomenon where your heater keeps shutting off and turning on again. One of the most common causes of heat cycling is a dirty air filter, so make sure yours is clean. A faulty thermostat or flame sensor may also be the heat-cycling culprit. Heating Specialties can diagnose your problem and send your HVAC system back into its regular rhythm.

The importance of HVAC maintenance

Many common HVAC problems can be spotted during a biannual maintenance visit. If you skipped your heating tune-up, it’s not too late to call Heating Specialties. And, it’s not too early to schedule your A/C tune-up to prep your system for the summer months. We recommend two regular tune-ups each year to keep your system running efficiently and let us catch problems before they become expensive fixes.

If your home is too cold for your comfort, the professionals at Heating Specialties can help. Call us at (866) 923-2653 or reach out online to schedule an appointment. Fix those common heating issues with service from Heating Specialties.

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