Stuff Your Face, Not Your HVAC Bills: Energy Saving Ideas Ahead! - Heating Specialties

Stuff Your Face, Not Your HVAC Bills: Energy Saving Ideas Ahead!

Stuff Your Face, Not Your HVAC Bills: Energy Saving Ideas Ahead

The holiday season can be expensive, and you want to cut costs where you can in your South Jersey home. Sure, you don’t want to scrimp on the big dinners – people expect to be stuffed like turkeys on Thanksgiving Day. But you can enjoy energy savings when you follow these tips from Heating Specialties. Read on for more energy-saving solutions.

Is your HVAC system ready for colder temperatures?

Don’t go into the winter months just hoping your HVAC system is going to do its job. Get a head start by having a thorough inspection by Heating Specialties. This biannual tune-up can pay you back in reduced energy bills and a potentially longer lifespan for your system. Heating Specialties’ professional HVAC technicians will thoroughly check your system, tightening any loose connections and making necessary repairs that may help you avoid costly repairs later.

Replace your air filter

It’s easy to forget about air filters when we’re focused on family celebrations and other holiday events. While you’re donning your fancy apparel, the air filter is quietly working out-of-sight, protecting your HVAC equipment from dust and debris. After a while, though, the filter can become dirty or clogged, which puts a strain on your HVAC system and your energy bills. Replace your filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Hint: If it’s been a while, replace it now.

Put Mother Nature to work

Open your curtains and blinds each morning to let the outdoor sun add a little extra warmth to your home. It’s a small step, but it can pay you back in energy savings and sunshine to brighten your mood during dreary winter months.

Turn down your thermostat

Want to save money on your energy bills? Turning down the heat can save up to 10% on your energy costs, according to Ideally, you turn the thermostat down while you’re sleeping or if the home is empty during the day. Want to make it easier on everyone? Consider a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts your temps according to your family’s schedule. You can even be fancy with a smart thermostat that lets you make changes on your smartphone. 

Seal the leaks

Hopefully, we’ll still have a few warmer weekends in South Jersey for the last-minute outdoor chores. Take advantage of a nice day to seal any leaks in your home with caulk or weatherstripping. Insulating your attic can also keep the heat from escaping. Your HVAC system will thank you.

Move the furniture

Your HVAC system will work more efficiently when the vents and registers are clean and unimpeded. Resist the urge to close off the registers in the rooms you aren’t using, though. That closed register can upset the balance in the air pressure within your home’s ductwork, which can lead to costly damage and higher energy bills.

Consider an HVAC upgrade

Is your HVAC unit getting old and cranky? If your system is between 10 and 15 years old, your home may be ready for a replacement. Heating Specialties understands that homeowners don’t want to think about extra expenses now, just before the winter holidays arrive. However, your investment can pay you back in lower energy bills down the road. Heating Specialties can help you determine if you are eligible for any tax credits or rebates on your new system, and we offer special financing options.

The holiday season is almost here, and Heating Specialties will help you celebrate with energy-saving ideas. It’s not too late to schedule your fall tune-up by calling Heating Specialties at (866) 923-2653 or reaching out online. Let Heating Specialties keep your family stuffed and your wallet full this winter.

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