Save Energy (and Money!) This Fall - Heating Specialties

Save Energy (and Money!) This Fall

September 22 officially ushers in a transition between summer and fall. Milder temperatures begin to take hold, making this an ideal time to save money on your energy expenses. Heating and cooling accounts for over half the energy we use in our homes, so it makes sense to take advantage of opportunities to save when they present themselves.

Ways to Save

Here are some places you can take steps to save money and energy during this transition month:


Open your windows during milder days and enjoy the fresh air. As the weather grows colder, open your window treatments during the day to maximize the heat of the sun, and close them at night to help retain heat.

Ceiling fans

Change the rotation of the blades on your ceiling fans so they’re going clockwise – this pushes air down, and helps maximize the effectiveness of your heated air by pushing in back down where you are.


Check the seals around your doors and windows. If any seals have warped or cracked, replace them or add caulking. Check to see if there are any gaps around skylights, vents, or chimneys on your roof, too.


Remember to adjust your indoor temperatures accordingly for maximum savings. The proper installation and use of a programmable thermostat can help you save a lot of energy by raising and lowering to preset temperatures automatically depending on the time of day.

Air filters

The transition between each season is a good time to change your air filters. If air filters aren’t changed often enough, they become dirty and clogged, which makes it harder to clean air and protect your equipment properly. Eventually, they can get dirty enough to cause breakdowns and expensive repairs.

Above all, schedule a time to have your HVAC equipment inspected. Your heating and cooling system represents one of your home’s biggest investments, and this is a great time to beat the rush and have  Heating Specialties inspect everything and make sure it’s ready for cold weather. Give us a call or request your next appointment online!

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