How to Save Money on Your Home Heating Bills - Heating Specialties

How to Save Money on Your Home Heating Bills

lower heating bill

The heat’s on in South Jersey. No, really. Chances are, you’re hiking up the heat so you can stay warm against winter’s cold temperatures. While the temperatures are dropping, though, heating bills are rising. Fortunately, Heating Specialties of South Jersey can help you cut energy costs this winter without sacrificing comfort. Even a few small adjustments can make a big difference in the bottom line. Check out our tips for heating bill savings.

Lower the thermostat

The Department of Energy claims that lowering your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees for up to eight hours can save you up to 10 percent on your energy bill. If you feel icicles forming on the tip of your nose, however, you should adjust the thermostat accordingly. At the very least, consider a programmable thermostat that lets you set a schedule for day, night, and weekend temperatures. Newer smart thermostats will even let you control the temperature from your phone, so you can turn it down for a few days while you’re hanging out by the ocean during your tropical winter vacation!

Upgrade your water heater

Standard water heaters hold water in a tank that is heated to a set temperature. Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, only use energy when you’re using hot water. Regardless, your water heater should be checked yearly to ensure that it is running smoothly and not draining your wallet in utility bills.

Keep out the cold air

Are you feeling a draft while you cozy up on your sofa at the end of a workday? Ill-fitting doors and windows can leave just enough room for the cold air to make its way inside. Replace your weatherstripping or consider using plastic window kits to keep the cold air where it belongs – outside your home!

Check your ceiling fans

The ceiling fans that help you feel cool in the summer can also push down the warm air that likes to rise to your home’s ceilings during the winter. Make sure the fan is spinning clockwise to take advantage of this trick.

Use your curtains and drapes to capture the sunlight’s natural heating capacity

Is it a sunny day in the neighborhood? Open your drapes wide and let the sun do its thing. At night, though, you’ll want to close them again to add another barrier between you and the outdoors.

Keep the fireplace closed when you’re not using it

That crackling fire last weekend may have warmed your spirits and your toes. But, if you forget to close the flue and damper afterward, you’re inviting cold air into your home. You also risk opening an entrance for pests and critters, who are lousy houseguests.

Schedule HVAC service

If you’re noticing a big jump in your utility bills, you may have an HVAC equipment problem that is forcing the system to work harder to keep things comfortable at home. This is one of the many reasons Heating Specialties recommends regular biannual HVAC maintenance. Our trained HVAC technicians are adept at finding the little problems before they grow into big ones and take a bite out of your family’s comfort and your heating budget.

New Jersey residents know that winter weather is inevitable, whether we’re facing a milder season or shoveling our way out of a freak blizzard. Fortunately, Heating Specialties can help keep you warm with special savings and upgrades that will help you cut costs in the long run. Contact us now at (866) 923-2653 or reach out online to schedule a consultation. At Heating Specialties, it will be “Fixed Right, Guaranteed.”

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