6 Heating Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know for a Cozy Winter - Heating Specialties

6 Heating Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know for a Cozy Winter

Have you fallen victim to common heating myths? Your South Jersey home may be chillier because you’re following outdated myths and other bits of advice that can instead lead to higher energy bills and an overworked heating system. Heating Specialties of South Jersey sets the record straight by debunking some of this misinformation. Learn the truth and keep your home cozy this winter.

Myth 1: Setting your thermostat higher will heat your home faster

Someone turned down the thermostat last night before you went to bed, and now the whole family is shivering this morning. You may be tempted to hike the thermostat to 85°F in an attempt to heat the home faster, but that’s just wasting energy and money. Your heating system produces heat at a constant rate, whether it’s set for 68°F or 86°F. If you don’t pay attention, you’ll be paying for a home that feels like the tropics when you’re really hoping for something that feels like home.

Myth 2: Bigger is better when it comes to your heating system

If a medium-sized system does a decent job of heating your home, will a larger heating system do an even better job? Not necessarily. An oversized furnace can trick your home into thinking it’s warm all over, when it’s really just heating a portion of the home. Then it shuts off the heat, leaving other areas cold. It can also be inefficient, shutting off and on throughout the day and putting extra strain on the machinery. This short cycling can force the heating system into a shutdown mode, which is never convenient during a cold winter day. We recommend talking to Heating Specialties first about your heating system options. We’ll walk you through the various furnace types and fuel source options. We’ll also help you choose a size that is not too big, not too small, but just right.

Myth 3: Thermostat placement doesn’t matter

A good thermostat knows how to read the room. If it’s located near a warm spot, like the kitchen, or in the direct sunlight, it’s going to assume the rest of the home is warm as well. Place your thermostat on an interior wall away from windows, sunlight, or major kitchen appliances.

Myth 4: It’s OK to stick with an old air filter

There’s a reason why we recommend replacing air filters regularly. A dirty, clogged air filter forces your heating system to work harder to move air around your house. It also risks sending the dust and debris through your heating system, where it can impact the overall function. Most manufacturers recommend changing the air filter every three months. If you’re concerned, Heating Specialties can help you determine which air filter works best for your heating system and your home.

Myth 5: Your heating system doesn’t need an annual tune-up

Just as regular automotive maintenance keeps your car running, an annual heating system tune-up can pay you back in better energy efficiency and a longer heating system lifespan. Whether you’re relying on gas, oil, or electric heating systems, you’ll want to let Heating Specialties take a yearly look to make sure they’re running well. These annual tune-ups can also catch those little problems while they’re still an affordable fix – a welcome alternative to a big repair bill.

Myth 6: Stick with your current heating system as long as it’s working

We’ve all heard about how “if it’s not broken, don’t try to fix it.” But your heating system could cost you more in energy bills and headaches if it’s on its last legs. Newer models are often more energy-efficient and do a better job keeping your home at a steady temperature, instead of giving you a cold surprise during inclement weather. How do you know it’s time to upgrade? If your system is more than 10 years old, you may want to consider whether a hefty repair bill is the most financially savvy option. Remember, Heating Specialties offers special financing, so you can pay for your upgraded system over time.

Avoid heating myths this winter by partnering with Heating Specialties for all of your home comfort needs. If you’re concerned about your heating system, or you want to schedule an overdue tune-up, call us now at (866) 923-2653. If it’s easier, fill out our convenient online form, and we’ll get back to you. Heating myths can come at a high price. Let Heating Specialties clear up any heating mysteries and keep your home cozy this winter!

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