Equipment Offer - Heating Specialties

Save up to $2,750 on American Standard® Heating and Cooling Systems

Special financing available*
  • $1,250 Utility Rebates
  • $1,200 Energy Star® Tax Rebate
  • $300 Instant Consumer Rebate
  • Special Financing Available*
*Heating Specialties is an independent American Standard authorized dealer. $2,750 rebate includes utility rebates, EnergyStar® federal tax credits and instant consumer rebate. Instant consumer rebate totaling up to $300 on American Standard high-efficiency air conditioning and furnace combination. Rebates available based on model and efficiency. Utility rebates up to $1,250 (through SJG, Atlantic City Electric and PSE&G for up to $500 on A/C and $750 on furnace, rebates subject to cancellation by utility companies without notice, customer responsible for filing for rebate.) EnergyStar® federal property tax credits available at 30% of system cost up to $1,200 tax credit for systems meeting minimum energy efficiency requirements for existing home/principal residence. Coupon required and not valid with any other offers or on prior sales. Call for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing with approved credit. Expires 11/15/2024.
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