Winterizing Your Home: Protect Your Heating System and Save on Energy Bills - Heating Specialties

Winterizing Your Home: Protect Your Heating System and Save on Energy Bills

Did the holiday hoopla overwhelm your regularly scheduled fall chore list? It’s not too late to winterize your South Jersey home using these tips from Heating Specialties of South Jersey. Making timely changes now can keep you warm until spring and maybe even lower your utility bills. Winter’s not done with us yet!

Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors: We tend to ignore these devices, and that can literally be a deadly move. According to the National Fire Protection Association®, your risk of dying in a home fire is cut by 60 percent when you have working smoke alarms. Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning fuel, can also be deadly. Make sure your carbon monoxide detectors are working, and keep an eye out for symptoms like headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, chest pain or confusion.

Seal any openings that are letting the cold air come inside: You may have noticed cold spots this fall when our temperatures first dropped. Take a closer look at your doors and windows. Even a tiny crack lets in the cold air and forces your system to work harder. A little caulk or weatherstripping can make a big difference in your utility bills.

Check the thermostat: You successfully spent the summer feeling cool at 72°F, but do you need to keep it at the same setting in the winter? The U.S. Department of Energy recommends keeping your thermostat set to around 68°F to 70°F during the winter months. You can even experiment with lower temperatures to see how low you can go without turning into an ice cube. Heating Specialties recommends a programmable or smart thermostat that lowers the temperature setting automatically at night, when you’re sleeping under several heavy blankets. Did you know that an old thermostat can drive up your energy bills? Invest in a new model for efficient, precise heating and cooling throughout the year.

Replace your air filters: If your system uses forced air, it also relies on an air filter to protect the equipment from dust and debris. Your system has to work harder to move air through a clogged filter, which translates to the higher energy bills you are trying to avoid. Change your filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. If it’s been a while, or if your current filter looks dirty or dingy, go ahead and replace it with a fresh filter.

Clean the area around your outdoor unit: South Jersey is facing at least a few more months of cold weather and storms. Those sticks and yard debris that came down in December can become missiles when the cold wind blows. Put the kids to work cleaning up in the new year, to ensure your outside unit is protected.

Consider a heating system tune-up: It’s never too late to schedule a heating system tune-up. If you skipped this important appointment in the fall, reach out to Heating Specialties now for professional cleaning and inspection. Maintenance is one of the best things you can do to winterize your home and keep your heating costs low. Our technicians will check your system thoroughly and tighten any loose connections. We’ll troubleshoot the small problems in hopes of preventing the bigger, more expensive complications. Every inch will be cleaned and lubricated, taking some of the burden off your system as it continues to keep you warm this winter. If you skipped last fall’s tune-up – or if you’re hearing funny noises or feeling cold spots at home – call Heating Specialties now at (866) 923-2653 to schedule an appointment. You can also use our online form to request an appointment. Heating Specialties is here to keep you and your family cozy and comfortable this winter.

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