Energy-Saving Tips for Late Summer: How to Lower Your Cooling Costs - Heating Specialties

Energy-Saving Tips for Late Summer: How to Lower Your Cooling Costs

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You love walking into your air-conditioned South Jersey home on a hot late summer day. But the energy bills are making you second-guess your need for comfort. Thanks to high temperatures and inflation, Americans are expected to pay 8 percent more this year on summer energy bills. Before you shut down the AC and tell the family to sweat it out, check out these cool moneysaving tips from Heating Specialties. You don’t have to sacrifice comfort this summer when you partner with Heating Specialties!

Turn on your fans to move air around the room

Your ceiling fans may not be able to handle the task of keeping the room cool when it’s 90 degrees indoors, but they are a great support system for your AC. Fun fact: Fans don’t cool the air, but they do create a cooling effect by moving hot air away from our skin and evaporating the perspiration that accumulates when we’re overheated. Remember, a counterclockwise motion creates a downdraft, so you experience those cooling effects.

Let in cooler air at night

As the summer starts to wane, we sometimes enjoy a respite from the heat, especially at night. Open the windows at nighttime, so you’ll be serenaded by the sounds of the late summer while enjoying the cool air that heralds seasonal change. If the air is still humid, however, you might want to skip this tip. Your AC unit also removes humidity as it cools the air, which can help you sleep better at night.

Keep your blinds closed during the da

The late summer sun can act like a furnace, making your home feel warmer even as the AC is running. Consider keeping the drapes closed on the south- or west-facing windows, which typically let in the most heat. North-facing windows aren’t as susceptible to the heating effect, so let those be the ones that let in the natural light during the day.


This energy-saving tip works in any weather. Many appliances draw energy even when they’re not being used. That countertop toaster can be convenient, but it can also be a so-called “energy vampire” while it’s sitting around waiting for your next English muffin.>Time your energy use during non-peak hours

Many utility companies charge more if you’re using energy during peak hours, when all your friends and neighbors are also draining power from the energy grid. Stay away from the peak hours of 2pm-6pm and throw the clothes in the washer or dryer before you go to bed, so you’re saving a bit on your energy costs.

Quit paying to cool an empty house

As the kids go back to school and your family moves to a busier schedule, you may discover that your house sits empty for several hours. You’ve probably heard that you shouldn’t turn off your heating and cooling system completely, because you risk problems like water damage or mold growth if your home gets too hot and sticky. However, it makes sense to set the temperature up about 5 degrees when you’re not home. A programmable or smart thermostat lets you set a schedule, so you’re always coming home to a comfortable environment.

Change your air filter

If you tend to skip this important task, you may be asking your heating and cooling system to work harder than it needs to. The air filter does a great job catching the dust and debris before it enters your home. However, the dirtier it gets, the harder your system must work to draw in outside air. Make sure you change your filter regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Let Heating Specialties troubleshoot your higher energy bills

Your energy costs are going to rise in the summer while you’re running your AC. But if you notice an inordinate jump in the bottom line, reach out to Heating Specialties for a service call. Our trained technicians can often spot little problems that can result in big energy bills. We can also schedule you for your fall tune-up, which gets you ahead of the game for the heating season. If you’re concerned with rising energy bills – or you’re ready to schedule your fall tune-up – call Heating Specialties at (866) 923-2653 to schedule a consultation, or fill out our online form and we’ll call you back. Stay comfortable at home with Heating Sp

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