Are your heating bills keeping you awake at night? You’re not alone. Our winter weather has homeowners around the Northeast and Midwest bracing for increased heating costs. Heating Specialties of Fairton, NJ, wants our customers to cut heating costs without sacrificing comfort. Read on for five simple ways to cut your heating costs.
1. Lower the thermostat
Want to save as much as 10 percent on your monthly energy bills? This difference can be found in degrees. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you should lower your thermostat 7°-10° for eight hours a day in the fall and winter to save money. During the summer months, raise the thermostat setting to save on cooling costs. How can you do this without inconveniencing the people who live at home? Invest in a programmable thermostat that handles the schedule for you. You won’t even notice the lower temperatures at night, when everyone is snuggled under the covers.
2. Invest in regular maintenance
Your heating and cooling system is one of the biggest investments you’ll make as a homeowner. Protect it with regularly scheduled maintenance. Think about it. Just as your car needs regular oil changes and a thorough inspection, your intricate heating and cooling system should be kept clean and efficient. During a biannual service call, your Heating Specialties HVAC technician will give your system a thorough cleaning and inspection, tightening any loose connections and troubleshooting small problems before they grow into something big and expensive. If you had a heating tune-up last fall, congratulations! Now it’s time to schedule your cooling system tune-up with Heating Specialties. If it’s been a while, reach out now so we can help you save money on your energy bills and potentially increase your system’s lifespan.
3. Consider additional insulation
Remember those science classes in elementary school? You may have learned that heat likes to flow from hot objects to cold objects. This is a natural phenomenon caused by the second law of thermodynamics. Consequently, the heat you’re paying for in your home is always trying to join the cold air outside, unless there’s a barrier between the two areas. Enter insulation. Adequate insulation keeps the heat from seeping through the cracks of your home or rising through the roof. Heating Specialties can advise you on which insulation is best for your home’s unique needs.
4. Live in layers
That law of thermodynamics also applies to our body heat. Your body heat naturally wants to move towards the cooler surrounding air. Our clothing is equivalent to a layer of insulation around our bodies, keeping the heat close. Additional layers do an even better job of helping you stay warm. Splurge for some luxurious blankets and throws for your living room, so you can cuddle up in comfort during a cold winter’s night.
5. Consider an upgrade
How old is your current heating system? If it’s at or near the 15-year mark, you may be paying extra for a system that’s inefficient and expensive to run. It may be time for a heating and cooling system upgrade. At Heating Specialties, we understand that most homeowners would rather avoid this particular expense. But newer systems bring better technology, and you are often rewarded with lower energy bills over the long run. You may also notice better air quality and an increased home value. Your Heating Specialties technician can help you determine if the time is right to upgrade your system. We won’t give you a hard sell, though. Heating Specialties prides itself on giving our customers outstanding customer service and a hassle-free experience.
Heating Specialties is your South Jersey partner for keeping your heating bills manageable. If you’re concerned about rising energy costs, call us now at (866) 923-2653 to schedule an appointment. With Heating Specialties, it will always be “fixed right, guaranteed.”